Oxford Chamber Music Festival

Hidden Treasures

Tickets £28 | Cavatina (Under 18s and Students) FREE BUT REQUIRE A TICKET - LIMITED AVAILABILITY

Music of four centuries: from the sixteenth-century William Byrd – one of the great Renaissance composers of all Europe – to the composer who soundtracked Restoration London, Henry Purcell; then (leaping into the 1970s) the astonishing sounds and characters Britten conjures from a single stringed instrument. As the twentieth century closes,Tavener takes us on "a journey from Paradise to Paradise" - from the lost paradise of Adam and Eve to the new paradise promised to the repentant thief; and finally George Benjamin's crystalline piano studies bring us (just) into our new millenium.

Purcell Chacony | Gibbons Fantasia of foure parts | ByrdPavana Lachrymae (after John Dowland) and The Bells | George Benjamin Shadowlines | Bull In Nomine IV | Britten Cello suite no.3, op.87 | Tavener Hidden Treasure

Every year the Oxford Chamber Music Festival brings together some of the most exciting classical musicians in Europe to live and play together for a week. Creative sparks fly as the musicians change musical partners and master the widest variety of sound-worlds.

This year’s festival celebrates the infinite variety of music from the British Isles, across four centuries and four nations: from Celtic folk influences to English pastoral; from Renaissance fantasy to Radiohead; from the internationally-celebrated Vaughan Williams, Elgar and Britten to hidden treasures and exciting finds by composers you may not even have heard of – yet!

Wheelchair Spaces

If you require a wheelchair space for this event, please call 01865 305 305 or email [email protected] for further assistance.

0 Stars

a musical miracle

Daily Telegraph

0 Stars

world-class by any standards

Time Out