Kaleidoscope Chamber Collective

Music and Wellbeing Concert

Kaleidoscope Chamber Collective invites you to a day dedicated to wellness and the transformative power of music

Tickets from £15 to £24

The Cultural Programme at Oxford University Presents

Kaleidoscope Chamber Collective Music and Wellbeing

Jonathan Leibovitz (clarinet) / Elena Urioste (violin) / Savitri Grier (violin) /

Rosalind Ventris (viola) / Laura van der Heijden (cello)

End the night with a truly unique concert where you’ll sit up close to the performers on relaxed floor cushions or chairs for an intimate musical experience.

You will hear a sequence of music drawing on themes of dreams, hope and spirituality, including Beethoven at his most transcendent, and Golijov’s klezmer-inspired clarinet quintet, The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind, one of the most electrifying works of the twentieth century. Folk traditions worldwide weave through the programme, including new arrangements by Kaleidoscope’s founder Tom Poster.

The relaxed communal listening space surrounding the performers will bring you closer to both the visceral power and the solace of this music. So take a breath, relax and lose yourself in this immersive listening experience.

Wheelchair Spaces

If you require a wheelchair space for this event, please call 01865 305 305 or email [email protected] for further assistance.