Oxford Chamber Music Festival

Radiance, Romance, and a Rocket

Tickets £20 | Cavatina (Under 18s and Students) FREE BUT REQUIRE A TICKET - LIMITED AVAILABILITY

A woman with dark hair smiling whilst playing the violin in front of a blurred background.

In the 1970s an eighteenth-century manuscript was discovered in Christ Church library containing Handel's chamber arrangement of his immortal Water Music, originally written for an evening Royal pageant on the Thames – with a barge accommodating 50 musicians. Perhaps the royal party also saw the fireflies which buzz through Bridge's fine Phantasy, or finished their excursion in the beautiful twilight of the Phantasy's ending. In between Handel and Bridge, Oxford-based Jennifer Walshe's very funny performance piece for a multi-tasking 'cellist, and some Radiant Romance.

Handel The ‘Oxford’ Water Music – chamber suite | Jennifer Walshe That's a lot of money at the top of a rocket | Deborah Pritchard Radiance | Vaughan Williams Romance | Bridge Phantasy piano quartet

Every year the Oxford Chamber Music Festival brings together some of the most exciting classical musicians in Europe to live and play together for a week. Creative sparks fly as the musicians change musical partners and master the widest variety of sound-worlds.

This year’s festival celebrates the infinite variety of music from the British Isles, across four centuries and four nations: from Celtic folk influences to English pastoral; from Renaissance fantasy to Radiohead; from the internationally-celebrated Vaughan Williams, Elgar and Britten to hidden treasures and exciting finds by composers you may not even have heard of – yet!

Wheelchair Spaces

If you require a wheelchair space for this event, please call 01865 305 305 or email [email protected] for further assistance.

0 Stars

a musical miracle

Daily Telegraph

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world-class by any standards

Time Out